Recommended by 98% of users. Outstanding reviews and amazing customer feedback
It's completely drug free.
No risk of drowsiness or interacting with other medication -
Personalised to you.
Choose the intensity and treatment programme that works for you -
Ultra-portable & user friendly.
Pain management that fits in your pocket and is ultra-wearable

Highly Effective
Tailored to you
Health and pain are not one-size-fits-all kinds of problems. Specialisation and personalisation are the keys to the best results in all areas of life - every lock has a different key, so why use the same treatment for every type of pain?

What makes Nurokor unique?
The Technology
Targets only the painful area
Quickly provides long lasting relief - up to 12 hours
Can be used when you need it
Has been shown to manage inflammation and swelling - one of the main causes of pain
Just put it on, choose from multiple treatment modes (each specialised for particular problems), and adjust the intensity to what’s comfortable for you.