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The Importance of Sleep to Parents

The Importance of Sleep to Parents

Meaghers Online |

This month we are highlighting the importance of sleep as part of our Pharmacy 360 integrative health initiative. We recently spoke to Sleep Consultant and Baby Whisperer Ciara Leonard on an Instagram live about how parents can get a better understanding of the sleep habits of their children.

Ciara has shared more information below about the importance of sleep for both parents and their children, along with details about her services as a Sleep Consultant. 

Sleep is everything to parents. Everything!

Sometimes people don't realise this until their baby is born or a couple of months old, or even a couple of years old. Most people don't think too much about sleep until it's in short supply. Then, when you can't get enough of it, it's all you can think about.

I am here to help.

As a sleep consultant, there are many ways I can help parents to achieve maximum sleep, which is another way of saying I help parents get the most out of life because everything stems from sleep. And, as many tired and frazzled parents will tell you, sleep doesn't just come to you because you're tired. In fact, in a horribly twisted way, much like with babies and small children, it can actually be harder to fall asleep if you're overtired.

There are so many things in a single day in the life of a parent that can affect sleep and the more tired you are, the harder it is to recognise them. I help parents in two ways: right at the start to establish impeccable sleeping habits from the get-go and later on if lack of sleep is becoming problematic and we need to explore options for introducing sensible, reliable and effective sleep routines so the whole family can bank enough sleep every night.

One of the first steps for me when working with parents initially is to prepare them for the various milestones in relation to their child or children around whom we are looking to establish great sleep etiquette.

This is highly individualised and takes into consideration not just things like what is age-appropriate for your child or children but what is appropriate depending on factors like environment and circumstances, whatever they may be. The approach we might take for a family with one new baby where a Mum has maternity leave compared to a family with three small children where there is a lot of travel involved could look completely different, but the objectives will always be the same: equip the parents with the kernels of knowledge to feel empowered to establish the best practices for their family and lives.

Because everyone is different, every life is different and every baby is different.

In sleep consulting: one size definitely does not fit all.

It's important to remember that sleep (or lack of) affects everyone so where there is more than one parent and more than one child involved, it's important to set out to achieve the best possible outcome for the entire family unit.

My initial approach is always to listen. It's only when I can establish what each parent wants that we can discuss options on how to achieve the desired outcome. Bearing in mind that the desired outcome of not having enough sleep isn't always to have the most sleep possible. Some parents want to achieve maximum sleep as quickly as possible. Some parents just want to find ways to get some more sleep for a period of time before addressing the maximum sleep option further down the road.

My approach is utterly holistic, taking into consideration things like nutrition, physical activity, fresh air and sunlight. All of which play a huge role in healthy sleeping habits.

It's important for parents to realise that there is always help. I meet so many families who didn't realise that there was something they could do about lack of sleep. It comes as a real revelation that they can regain control of this crucial aspect of their life when equipped with the right kind of knowledge for their situation and circumstances.

It's by working in tandem with parents that we achieve the best outcomes. I have 20+ years of experience and knowledge to draw upon but nobody knows their children like a parent, so I always encourage mothers to listen to their gut feeling as much as they can. A huge part of my job is to encourage parents to tap into their internal knowledge and layer that on top of all that I have learned so that the end result is the best approach for each individual baby or child in that particular family setting.

My job is to equip parents with the knowledge and tools so that they can reach their full potential. Whether that is over a single consultation, or with ongoing help in-house.

I can help you on your journey to being the best parent you want to be.

Book me for a 1-1 or check out my upcoming webinars on öogo. These webinars have been discounted in partnership with Meaghars Pharmacy. Looking forward to seeing you there!